Thursday, 28 February 2013

Youtube = Transitioning:)

Youtube - why didn't I think of that?! Amazing ingenuity to constantly bombard myself on how to do my hair! I'm going back to natural - transitioning- as its formally know, and youtube has become my go-to- guru on what to do with my hair! Youtube is good for information gathering but my goodness was it no use to me when my hair tangled as I washed my new growth after having had a weave on for almost a month or two (don't remember). I was close to either a scissors or tears. Thanks to my sister who desperately tried to comb it out, and a trip to the salon, did I manage to salvage my hair! So here's the deal that youtube doesn't fully relay (well, to me!); transitioning is very high maintenance, it requires dedication and full commitment, not forgetting the journey to discovering what works with your locks! Right now I'm just trying to discipline my hair - and 'mabhanzi'(same concept as twist but using thread- to straighten it up a bit) is the the only way I know how. It's fun people you should join me. (for moral support!)

1 comment:

  1. Lol now you discover all the things that Youtube videos dont tell you. Stay away from the scissors please.


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