Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Qs: I am pregnant or breastfeeding is it safe for me to use Bare Naturels Cosmetics oils and butters?
Carrier oils and butters
These are natural and are safe to use even during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, however if in doubt please consult your doctor before use.

Essential oils
There are some divided ideas on the dangers of certain essential oils used in aromatherapy during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, and since this such am important time for both mother and baby we recommend that you exercise caution. Remember to always dilute essential oils before use. We also recommend that you consult you doctor before using any essential oil or those listed below.

Essential oils from our product list to be avoided in pregnancy  or while breastfeeding are below;
Cedarwood*  - Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Clary sage* - Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Cypress - Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Lavendar - Avoid in first trimester of pregnancy
Rosemary*  - Avoid during pregnancy and should not be administered to babies or children younger than the age of four.
Thyme - Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Peppermint - Avoid in first trimester of pregnancy. Do not use with children younger than two years old.
Grapefruit - Avoid in first trimester of pregnancy

* Emmenagogue - A drug or agent that increases menstrual flow 

Qs: I have a medical condition is it safe for me to use Bare Naturels Cosmetics oils and butters?
Carrier oils and butters
These are natural and are safe to use, however if in doubt please consult your doctor before use.

Essential oils
We also recommend that you consult you doctor before using any essential oil. Remember to always dilute essential oils before use and use as directed. 

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