Sunday, 22 September 2013

Coconut oil benefits

A Plant-based oil extracted from the kernel of the coconut with a high concentration of saturated fatty acids, lauric acid, capric acid and vitamins E and K. It also has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial and soothing properties. In its natural unprocessed state, coconut oil has a high moisture retaining capacity and does not breakdown or evaporate easily.

Coconut oil benefits for your hair
Excellent  moisturiser for hair and scalp
Prevents dandruff
Promotes hair growth

Coconut oil benefits for your skin
Excellent skin moisturiser
Eases the symptoms of skin conditions like eczema.
Massage oil

Coconut oil benefits for your baby
Good natural moisturiser for your little one's sensitive skin
Excellent for soothing nappy rash
Moisturiser for your little one’s hair

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