So yesterday was deep condition day and what the little girl's hair needed was some moisture. So there I was back in the kitchen cooking up a deep conditioning storm. I had never used mayonnaise as a deep conditioner before.
The recipe
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
2 tablespoons raw honey
3 tablespoons olive oil
1. Blend ingredients until the mixture is smooth
How to use
1. Apply to damp hair (shampooed if required)
2. Cover hair with a shower cap for 30 - 60 minutes
3. Rinse hair with clean warm water
4. Apply your usual conditioner to hair and rinse with warm water
5. Dry hair and style as usual
The results
The little girl's hair is extremely dry, but responded well to this treatment. The hair was soft and shiny after treatment. Didn't leave anything to chase so quickly applied our Shea butter concoction and plaited the hair. She isn't fussy yet so it's mabhanzi (I think its called threading) all the way and she loves it. "Look Daddy mummy hair is pretty", with her four lines of mabhanzi (I guess you will either get it or you won't.
Yes I do get "mabhanzi" coz I'm grown and I'm still rocking them:) It's the only way I know how to manage my transitioning hair!:/ Ideas are so welcome!!