Monday, 4 March 2013

Banana and honey foot treatment

So being the optimist that I am, I am already looking forward to summer. But my feet are no where ready for sandals, cracked feet are an eye-sore. After search the World Wide Web I was back in my kitchen cooking up a remedy.
Foot before treatment

The recipe

2 whole ripe banana
4 tablespoon Honey
2 tablespoon jojoba oil
Coconut oil (for massaging feet after treatment)

1. Chop the banana and place in a mixing bowl
2. Add the honey, jojoba oil
3. Blend until the mixture is smooth

How to use
1. Soak feet in warm water for 20 minutes
2. Scrub feet thoroughly
3. Massage the banana mixture onto the feet and leave on for about 30 minutes
4. Wash feet with warm water and dry
5. Massage feet with coconut oil concentrating on the cracked areas. Wear socks overnight.

NOTE: I intend to use as often as necessary until you see results, I will update on progress.

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